Friday, August 28, 2009

What would my dog say if she could talk?

I often thought "if Peanut could talk (that's our Golden Retriever) , what would she say?" I mean look at the picture - doesn't she look like she would say at least one of these?
"Well, YOUR breath doesn't smell so good either."
"No, I don't know why my leg does that when you scratch me."
"You're acting weird, so it must mean we're going to the Vet."
"They want to express my what??!!!"
"The next time the Vet does THAT, somebody's gonna get bit!"
"Don't tell me it's going to be okay. Does your doctor do THAT to YOU?!!"
"Yoo hoo! Dog's gotta go wee-wee!"
"Oh. It's only you. I thought it was somebody."
"Pet me? . . . . . . . . . . Pet me. . . . . . . . . . . . PET ME!!!"
"Dog food again?"
"I didn't do it."
"I'll make you a deal - I'll stop staring if you'll stop eating that steak."
"Go ahead - blame the dog."
"I saw you slip that pill in with my dog food."
"Tell you what, while we're at the Vet, let's pretend you're the dog."
"It was the kids. Honest."
"How can you look at this face and not feed me chicken?"
"I'll trade you one bowl of dog food for one steak bone."
"Woof!" (which means "Hey!" in human language)
"You threw it. YOU go get it."
"It's slobber. Get used to it."
"Haven't you ever scooted your booty across the carpet? You oughta try it sometime."
"I sleep so much during the day because you snore so much during the night!"
And while at the dog park: "Hey mister, you call THAT a dog??!!!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Presidential Vacations

Here's a blast from the past. The New York Times, July 9, 2001, reports on George W. Bush's first summer vacation as president:

On Friday, as new unemployment figures painted a newly troubling portrait of the American economy, Mr. Bush placed himself in the same scenes--golfing and fishing in a New England paradise--that once caused his father electoral grief.

Simply amazing.

Here's the Bureau of Labor Statistics report, dated July 6, that "painted a newly troubling portrait of the American economy":

The unemployment rate was little changed at 4.5 percent, five-tenths of a percentage point higher than the average for 2000.

As Barack Obama embarked on his first summer vacation as president last week--also in a "New England paradise," Martha's Vineyard--the most recent unemployment rate was 9.4%, more than double the summer 2001 figure. Covering the Obama jaunt, the Times offers no hint that there's anything wrong with a president taking a vacation during a time of genuine crisis. Indeed, it offers this justification:

Mr. Obama, whom aides described as being amused by all of the gloom-and-doom prognosticating over his health care agenda, did not even consider skipping his vacation.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The White House has found another way to save money under the ObamaCare plan: once the program runs out, the government will simple transfer the "Cash for Clunkers" department and title over to the new government healthcare department!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Whenever Obama utters the works "reform" or "fix", just remember, he has zero experience doing either. . . . and unfortunately it shows.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


"Hush!  I know what's best for you" may work for a parent to a child, but it sure sounds sorry coming from Washington.