Wednesday, November 10, 2010

White House tweaked drilling report to support the end result

Say it ain't so!  The White House "tweaked" a report so the results would fit into its moratorium on offshore drilling. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keynesian vs. Kenyan

Here’s a You Tube video of a bunch of people who apparently confuse “Keynesian” (the economic thought that teaches massive government involvement and stimulus is needed to grow the economy) and “Kenyan” (a person who is from, well, Kenya).  This was filmed at the Restore Sanity rally on Oct. 30.  Hopefully, these people weren’t representative of the crowd in attendance . . . but something tells me otherwise.   


BTW, Keynesian is pronounced “KEEN-sian” or “KANE-sian”.  I guess that’s how people got confused.  I also noticed how white the crowd was.  Funny how there’s no mention of that from the media.  That was something constantly pointed out during the Restore America rally held weeks earlier.